Today, marketing is known as a complex balance of technology and strategies guided by consumer behaviour and current trends. This hasn’t always been the case though. Marketing methods have changed alongside technological, societal and market shifts. In this article, we will discuss the history of marketing, traditional vs. digital marketing, their methods, benefits and downsides to help you determine whether digital or traditional marketing is the best form of marketing for your business.

Many argue about when marketing first began. Most people say that the birth of marketing coincided with the Industrial Revolution that spanned from the late 18th century and long into the 19th century. This time period was marked by increased industrial power, mass production with faster production times, lower prices and increased globalization. Many companies needed to start advertising their goods and services to their target consumers in order to compete with other companies. There were more products than ever before, making this a period of abundance and competition.

While the claim that marketing first started in the Industrial Revolution is a valid assumption, it dismisses the marketing spirit that lived in tradespeople long before the 18th century. Traders who sold food and other goods had practiced traditional forms of marketing long before the Industrial Revolution. Traders who stood in markets for hours on end, bragging that their apples were more ripe and juicy than those being sold several stalls down from theirs. This traditional marketing existed long before the Industrial Revolution and many of its tactics were carried over to the 18th, 19th, and 20th century as marketing professionals reached out to their target audience to talk up their products.

It was only in the 1940s when competition began to increase and traditional marketing strategies intensified. When more people could afford to own computers in the 1990s, marketers adapted their strategy to fit the growing online world. We will touch on that more later.

Search engine optimization is an important part of digital marketing

What Is Traditional Marketing?

Before online marketing flourished, traditional marketing and its associated strategies were the main selling techniques of marketers everywhere. Traditional marketing is any type of marketing that does not happen online, choosing traditional channels of communication instead. Some examples of this are print ads, sales calls and TV and radio broadcasting services.

Because methods like newspapers, billboards, and direct mail and sales pitches are sent directly to the consumer, traditional marketing is called a ‘push’ or direct-to-consumer method. In short, this means that marketers go to their audience rather than letting consumers come to them. This tactic is ultimately more in-your-face than others but can make consumers realize that they need a product or service without them having to go search it out. “Speaking directly to consumers and meeting their expectations halfway is the most conducive way to capture leads,” said Zaius’s Senior Marketer Laura Dolan.

Despite the ways that a traditional marketing plan may be perceived, it is the most tried and true method of marketing. Centuries of ad campaigns and surveying the target audience has resulted in an abundance of data to be drawn on. Marketers around the world often rely on the tactics and consumer research that has come from traditional marketing when creating their marketing strategy.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is marketing that a company conducts online. Marketing campaigns like paid Google ads, social media ads, email marketing and pay-per-click (also known as PPC) are examples of digital marketing.

The one stark difference between traditional marketing vs. digital marketing is that digital marketing is an inbound marketing method. This means that instead of a company reaching out to its target audience, the target audience is pulled toward the business because of the valuable content and experiences the company provides. In short, businesses design their brand and online presence around their customers’ wants and needs to attract each customer to their business.

Digital Marketing Isn’t Just Social Media Marketing

Usually, when someone hears the term digital marketing, social media is one of the first things that come to mind. This is because social media is one of the easiest ways for businesses to build their brand and interact with their target customers and customer base. However, digital media marketing is more than just social media campaigns. Marketers tap into many different marketing channels to reach internet users.

Digital Advertising

When businesses position digital marketing vs. traditional marketing, digital marketing advertisements usually always come out on top. Traditional marketing print ads are very specific to the local area it is being circulated in. In contrast, digital advertising is targeted at a diverse group of people because of its circulation on online – and often global – marketing platforms like websites, emails, and social media.

Promoted posts on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter are examples of a social media campaign used to advertise to consumers on a global scale. Because these ads are somewhat masked as social media posts, consumers may feel more obliged to interact with them without feeling like the ads are too impersonal.

Using Email For Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing. Typically, when people buy a product, they fill out a form that includes their email address. In this form, most companies ask if the customer would like to opt-in for more follow-up updates from them. These updates are a great way to remind customers of your business long after they have bought from you.

This digital marketing method mimics traditional marketing because it’s more of a ‘push’ or direct-to-consumer method where a business advertises their goods or service without them seeking it out. Nevertheless, this is a tried and true marketing method that can remind customers of your brand and encourage them to seek out your services again.


A website is one of the most important parts of digital marketing. It tells users about your business and can serve as a place for them to buy your goods or services. Every website should have fast loading times, be visually appealing, and be easy to navigate to decrease bounce rate (the number of users that enter a website and leave right away).

Pay-Per-Click Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements are great ways to get users to your website. With PPC, advertisers pay a fee every time a user clicks an ad to go to their website. In this sense, marketers are “buying visits” to their websites rather than trying to earn them organically. These advertisements can typically be seen on websites as banners or pop-ups, but are more known for their position on Google Search results. While PPC can be a great idea, it can be difficult to determine whether PPC is worth it until you actually have the numbers of clicks and the profit that you have earned from the extra visits to your website. For example, if you pay $3 a click and 300 people click your ad but only 75 buy your $20 product, your profit margin of $1500 is, in actuality, only $600 as you had to pay $900 in PPC fees.
Search engine optimization is an important part of digital marketing

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization (also known as SEO) is a critical part of digital marketing. It tailors your content and website to consumers based on the keywords they enter in a search engine. The more relevant your content is to the keywords entered, the more visible your website will be in search engine results like Google. When your website is higher up in search engine results, it receives more promotion and web traffic.

Think about it this way. When you ask questions in Google’s search engine, you’re probably not going to go past page one to find an answer. For example, if you Google something like “Best Pizza Place Toronto,” you will trust that the business that shows up at the top of the results will be the best pizza place rather than the pizzerias on page two or three. So, if you think like this, it’s very likely that your target audience will think like this too.

In order to improve your ranking on search engines, you will need to tailor your digital marketing campaign to the keywords that your potential consumers are entering. After this, it will be a constant process to keep your materials relevant.

Each business should complete these steps to improve their SEO or search engine marketing:

The Digital Era’s Impact On The Marketing World

As computers and smartphones grew in popularity, the way consumers shopped changed. Rather than finding businesses through traditional marketing methods like TV, print or billboards, more consumers found companies over the internet. Thus, digital marketing was born and so were various new methods to reach the business’s target audience. While a lot of marketing methods have changed, some stayed the same.

Consumer Behaviour In Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing

There are several differences in consumer behaviour between traditional marketing vs. digital marketing including attention span, relevance and connection to a brand. In traditional marketing, advertisements are impersonal as they try to reach everyone in their target audience. In contrast, digital marketing targeted ads can make a consumer feel personally connected to a brand.
Consumer behaviour is different in traditional marketing vs digital marketing

In 2013, Microsoft completed a study on consumer behaviour and discovered that the average attention span is only 8 seconds – 1 second longer than a goldfish’s! If your digital marketing doesn’t capture a person’s attention in 8 seconds, they will likely keep scrolling or exit your website. This means that businesses need to ensure that their digital marketing tactics quickly grab their target audience’s attention, otherwise, their campaign may fail.

Rapidly Changing Marketing Trends

The amount of time that market trends shift greatly differs in traditional marketing vs. digital marketing. While traditional marketing strategies could last a long period of time, this is not the case for online advertisements. As Internet users share and interact with content at lightning-fast speeds, a marketing strategy that may have been great one day can perform poorly the next. The speed at which trends can change in digital marketing vs. traditional marketing can overwhelm even the most experienced marketer.

Traditional Marketing Vs. Digital Marketing: What Should You Choose For Your Business?

Digital strategies aren’t really that far off from traditional marketing tactics. For example, businesses that prefer photo-based materials would do well to switch their strategy to creating intriguing graphics for social media posts. Small businesses that engage in social media marketing services often see their businesses grow because they use interesting online marketing posts on various social media platforms.
Small businesses connecting with customers
Businesses that enjoy the idea of television ad campaigns can create appealing videos for social media or other websites as a digital advertisement campaign. Other businesses that prefer written pamphlets or brochures could also benefit from a strong email marketing campaign, or a content marketing tactic. By using content marketing methods, you can use the fundamentals of copywriting and basic marketing strategy to leave a lasting impact that benefits your business.

Creating A Strong Digital Marketing Campaign

Traditional marketing has been around for generations and marketing tactics have always been a way for a company to engage with its target market and sell a product or service. Every business should have a solid marketing budget for website maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO) and other marketing efforts.

Social Media Platforms

Digital marketing allows a company to connect with its customers through online marketing tactics. By creating engaging posts, social media platforms have become the new newspapers in terms of where a business is better off placing marketing materials.

A company can use social media to engage with, inform and sell products and services to customers which is one of the main advantages of digital marketing. The customers don’t always have to go looking for the company because the company goes directly to the customer while they’re scrolling Facebook or Instagram over their morning coffee.

Search Engines & Google Analytics

One of the major benefits of digital marketing is that it’s always changing and a business can tweak its marketing techniques to target its audience even further. Search engines allow businesses to optimize the content on their websites which allows a company website to move up the google rankings. SEO gives your website a chance to get seen by more potential customers.

Using a tool called Google Analytics can also help a company view their progress and results in real-time and see how your brand is performing to people in your target audience. Using analytics in your digital marketing benefits future endeavours by allowing you to see where you can modify your digital marketing strategy and increase results for your business.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Another one of the benefits of digital marketing is that you can modify traditional marketing strategies you may already use and implement them in a digital format. For example, if a company already sends weekly or monthly newsletters via mail, they can make them available on their homepage or use them as part of an email-based digital campaign.

Digital marketing allows you to maintain your customer loyalty through strong branding and well thought out campaign. Creating strong materials that engage customers has really just become another aspect of providing customer service that exceeds expectations.

Using social platforms and SEO

Digital Marketing For Everyone

One of the most overlooked components of creating content or ad campaigns is the accessibility behind the content. In recent years, creating accessible content for people with disabilities is a key part of running an inclusive business. By using metadata descriptions and proper headers in your marketing materials, you broaden your horizons as far as customer-base goes.

Especially when it comes to those who are living with vision loss, creating accessible inclusive content proves that your a business that is committed to the well-being of clients. Many people overlook the aspect of creating accessible content for digital marketing purposes but focusing on creating something for everyone can make a positive impact on your business and life.

Finding Digital Marketing Services

f you’re like most business owners, you know that the day-to-day operations of your business take priority over digital marketing because your customers come first. That’s where digital marketing companies come in. Digital marketing companies help you connect with your audience by creating social media posts, ad campaigns and by interacting with customers online.

If it’s within your marketing budget to hire a company that specializes in digital marketing tactics as a business owner you should strongly consider it to enhance your marketing techniques. It’ll ultimately help your brand and bring people who are interested in your specific product or service to you. They also have the ability to manage your marketing channels and strategize on audience outreach.

Simple Digital Marketing Goes A Long Way

Effective digital marketing doesn’t have to be fancy since there are many benefits of digital marketing on a smaller scale. Digital marketing strategies are effective, but even beginning with something smaller like increasing the amount you post on Facebook can go a long way with your customers. Online marketing doesn’t have to be specifically advertising, it could be as simple as posting what products you may have that day on Instagram, or in your Facebook story.

Using social media to engage with potential customers and even other small businesses can create buzz instead of creating a full-on campaign. Connecting with people and building your brand is one of the ways every business can benefit from digital marketing.

Digital Customer

Using Digital Marketing to Gain Credibility

Digital marketing offers a cost-effective way to gain credibility within other organizations and your target audience. Through online advertising campaigns and various social engagements on digital platforms, your business can be a prime source of information about a specific service or product.

Regularly posting content on your blog and social media channels can boost your digital marketing game and prove to your customers that you’re knowledgeable about what your company does. Content marketing is an often overlooked tool, and it can lead to other businesses linking about to your work and driving more clicks from potential clients on your website or platforms.

Bring Your Marketing To The Digital Age

Take advantage of the technology that people use in their everyday lives. As a business, adapting to the changing times is crucial to maintaining profitability. Using digital marketing tools allows your company to get the most out of its website. Using digital marketing as a lead generation tool is the new frontier of campaigns.

When a company can see the advantages of online platforms and uses these new tools to engage customers and define their target market, it’s easy to see the benefits of digital marketing. Especially during unprecedented times like the pandemic, strong digital marketing strategies are more prevalent than ever and creating strong small businesses that are thriving.

Since digital marketing lets organizations connect with their customers, advertising has never been easier. You don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars on billboards or banner ads when you can make your own luck. Generally, people respect solid brand-building efforts as it proves that a business is interested in keeping customers around long term while also showing creativity.

Advantages of strong digital strategy

Putting Marketing Tactics To Work

Making the most out of any situation is a generally good strategy for every aspect of life. But when it comes to digital strategy, your creativity is your strongest asset. Most people start their search for products or services online and having a strong campaign can lead to those potential clients clicking on your website and buying your item or services.

With the skills discussed, business owners can create a strong brand image that resonates with customers. Small businesses can define their target market and connect with their audience on various platforms. Larger companies can improve their rankings on search engines to ensure organic traffic .

Most consumers will search through different websites to pick the company that best suits their needs. By having a strong presence and brand, potential clients can know exactly what they’re getting just by looking at your various digital materials. Your business should tell people about their services, products and anything else they may offer in addition to answering any frequently asked questions.

By being clear and concise in your various campaigns you can streamline your sales funnel and make your digital marketing efforts work for you and increase over profit. It’s really as simple as snapping a photo of your product and putting it up on various social platforms to allow people to see what you’re offering.

A lot of people wouldn’t even think of it as marketing, more just a social post – but you’ll have planted a seed in their mind so that when they do need that specific product, they know exactly which website to visit and what they’re going to get. By making your materials clear and easy-to-understand you are helping your potential clientele figure out who to call when they need your services.

Reaching your targeted market

The Digital Marketing End Game

As is with any campaign, the end game is to get your business more recognized and to help your organization grow. It’s fairly simple to keep up with digital marketing tactics and the digital landscape is ever-changing.

Eventually, it won’t even be called digital marketing anymore. It’ll just be regular, traditional marketing. Getting ahead of the game is never a bad idea for a business, even if you’re just experimenting you’ll see the difference a strong digital campaign can make for you. Customers like being engaged with, and creating solid materials and using social platforms and other tools can only further your success in your industry.

Classic Marketing Tactics With A Twist

Digital strategies aren’t really that far off from traditional marketing tactics. For example, businesses that prefer photo-based materials would do well to switch their strategy to creating intriguing graphics for social media posts. Small businesses that engage in social media marketing services often see their businesses grow because they use interesting online marketing posts on various social media platforms.
Small businesses connecting with customers
Businesses that enjoy the idea of television ad campaigns can create appealing videos for social media or other websites as a digital advertisement campaign. Other businesses that prefer written pamphlets or brochures could also benefit from a strong email marketing campaign, or a content marketing tactic. By using content marketing methods, you can use the fundamentals of copywriting and basic marketing strategy to leave a lasting impact that benefits your business.

Creating A Strong Digital Marketing Campaign

Traditional marketing has been around for generations and marketing tactics have always been a way for a company to engage with its target market and sell a product or service. Every business should have a solid marketing budget for website maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO) and other marketing efforts.

Social Media Platforms

Digital marketing allows a company to connect with its customers through online marketing tactics. By creating engaging posts, social media platforms have become the new newspapers in terms of where a business is better off placing marketing materials.

A company can use social media to engage with, inform and sell products and services to customers which is one of the main advantages of digital marketing. The customers don’t always have to go looking for the company because the company goes directly to the customer while they’re scrolling Facebook or Instagram over their morning coffee.

Search Engines & Google Analytics

One of the major benefits of digital marketing is that it’s always changing and a business can tweak its marketing techniques to target its audience even further. Search engines allow businesses to optimize the content on their websites which allows a company website to move up the google rankings. SEO gives your website a chance to get seen by more potential customers.

Using a tool called Google Analytics can also help a company view their progress and results in real-time and see how your brand is performing to people in your target audience. Using analytics in your digital marketing benefits future endeavours by allowing you to see where you can modify your digital marketing strategy and increase results for your business.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Another one of the benefits of digital marketing is that you can modify traditional marketing strategies you may already use and implement them in a digital format. For example, if a company already sends weekly or monthly newsletters via mail, they can make them available on their homepage or use them as part of an email-based digital campaign.

Digital marketing allows you to maintain your customer loyalty through strong branding and well thought out campaign. Creating strong materials that engage customers has really just become another aspect of providing customer service that exceeds expectations.

Using social platforms and SEO

Digital Marketing For Everyone

One of the most overlooked components of creating content or ad campaigns is the accessibility behind the content. In recent years, creating accessible content for people with disabilities is a key part of running an inclusive business. By using metadata descriptions and proper headers in your marketing materials, you broaden your horizons as far as customer-base goes.

Especially when it comes to those who are living with vision loss, creating accessible inclusive content proves that your a business that is committed to the well-being of clients. Many people overlook the aspect of creating accessible content for digital marketing purposes but focusing on creating something for everyone can make a positive impact on your business and life.

Finding Digital Marketing Services

If you’re like most business owners, you know that the day-to-day operations of your business take priority over digital marketing because your customers come first. That’s where digital marketing companies come in. Digital marketing companies help you connect with your audience by creating social media posts, ad campaigns and by interacting with customers online.

If it’s within your marketing budget to hire a company that specializes in digital marketing tactics as a business owner you should strongly consider it to enhance your marketing techniques. It’ll ultimately help your brand and bring people who are interested in your specific product or service to you. They also have the ability to manage your marketing channels and strategize on audience outreach.

Simple Digital Marketing Goes A Long Way

Effective digital marketing doesn’t have to be fancy since there are many benefits of digital marketing on a smaller scale. Digital marketing strategies are effective, but even beginning with something smaller like increasing the amount you post on Facebook can go a long way with your customers. Online marketing doesn’t have to be specifically advertising, it could be as simple as posting what products you may have that day on Instagram, or in your Facebook story.

Using social media to engage with potential customers and even other small businesses can create buzz instead of creating a full-on campaign. Connecting with people and building your brand is one of the ways every business can benefit from digital marketing.

Digital Customer

Using Digital Marketing to Gain Credibility

Digital marketing offers a cost-effective way to gain credibility within other organizations and your target audience. Through online advertising campaigns and various social engagements on digital platforms, your business can be a prime source of information about a specific service or product.

Regularly posting content on your blog and social media channels can boost your digital marketing game and prove to your customers that you’re knowledgeable about what your company does. Content marketing is an often overlooked tool, and it can lead to other businesses linking about to your work and driving more clicks from potential clients on your website or platforms.

Bring Your Marketing To The Digital Age

Take advantage of the technology that people use in their everyday lives. As a business, adapting to the changing times is crucial to maintaining profitability. Using digital marketing tools allows your company to get the most out of its website. Using digital marketing as a lead generation tool is the new frontier of campaigns.

When a company can see the advantages of online platforms and uses these new tools to engage customers and define their target market, it’s easy to see the benefits of digital marketing. Especially during unprecedented times like the pandemic, strong digital marketing strategies are more prevalent than ever and creating strong small businesses that are thriving.

Since digital marketing lets organizations connect with their customers, advertising has never been easier. You don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars on billboards or banner ads when you can make your own luck. Generally, people respect solid brand-building efforts as it proves that a business is interested in keeping customers around long term while also showing creativity.

Advantages of strong digital strategy

Putting Marketing Tactics To Work

Making the most out of any situation is a generally good strategy for every aspect of life. But when it comes to digital strategy, your creativity is your strongest asset. Most people start their search for products or services online and having a strong campaign can lead to those potential clients clicking on your website and buying your item or services.

With the skills discussed, business owners can create a strong brand image that resonates with customers. Small businesses can define their target market and connect with their audience on various platforms. Larger companies can improve their rankings on search engines to ensure organic traffic .

Most consumers will search through different websites to pick the company that best suits their needs. By having a strong presence and brand, potential clients can know exactly what they’re getting just by looking at your various digital materials. Your business should tell people about their services, products and anything else they may offer in addition to answering any frequently asked questions.

By being clear and concise in your various campaigns you can streamline your sales funnel and make your digital marketing efforts work for you and increase over profit. It’s really as simple as snapping a photo of your product and putting it up on various social platforms to allow people to see what you’re offering.

A lot of people wouldn’t even think of it as marketing, more just a social post – but you’ll have planted a seed in their mind so that when they do need that specific product, they know exactly which website to visit and what they’re going to get. By making your materials clear and easy-to-understand you are helping your potential clientele figure out who to call when they need your services.

Reaching your targeted market

The Digital Marketing End Game

As is with any campaign, the end game is to get your business more recognized and to help your organization grow. It’s fairly simple to keep up with digital marketing tactics and the digital landscape is ever-changing.

Eventually, it won’t even be called digital marketing anymore. It’ll just be regular, traditional marketing. Getting ahead of the game is never a bad idea for a business, even if you’re just experimenting you’ll see the difference a strong digital campaign can make for you. Customers like being engaged with, and creating solid materials and using social platforms and other tools can only further your success in your industry.