How to Get More Organic Traffic to Your Website

Strategies to get more traffic

Are you struggling to build your brand’s online presence? Although there are challenges when it is time to build your company’s online presence, many of them are eliminated once you invoke SEO strategies into your marketing efforts. Besides, when the right strategies are used to generate organic website traffic, there is little hassle involved. Try your hand with the 10 strategies to generate new organic website traffic and plan to experience tremendous success.

1. Keyword Research

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital to your website’s success and visibility in the world. To successfully incorporate SEO into your business plan, you’ll need to use keywords related to the products and services you offer. Don’t assume that you know the words or terms that consumers use when looking for information online. You may be surprised to learn different terms used by different people. Keyword research is fairly simple, and there are many tools that alleviate some of the stress of finding the best keywords to use. Exactly where should keywords be used to generate more interest to your website? Practically everywhere you want your brand noticed online.  Keywords are used to separate your content from the millions of pieces of online material and help drive more traffic in your direction since it is targeted. Place keywords (that you’ve researched and specially selected) in your blog posts, website content, meta tags and descriptions, and even your social media accounts. Keywords make your content/website more visible in search engines so it is easy to drive much more traffic your way.

2. Blog About It

Rather than respond to individual questions sent in by email or asked during a live chat, why not blog about it instead? Likely the question is one that many of your customers would like to know the answer, so by creating a blog post you minimize repeating the same information time and time again and provide a new source of traffic to your website. Not only is there a tremendous amount of time saved when you write a blog, but it is also much easier to give a detailed answer that provides the accurate information the individual seeks, thus further enhancing your brand’s credibility since consumers will view you as an expert on the subject. Blogging also improves your overall SEO, which may increase your ranking within a search engine for particular keywords.

3. Check Your Links

Backlinks are an essential component of successful SEO. However, not every backlink that you get is worthwhile. Check your site’s backlinks thoroughly. Ensure that links are not bad, that they’re up-to-date and that the links are relevant to your industry. Contextual links are often used for SEO purposes. Quality over quantity; it is essential to find trusted, reliable links from good, authoritative domains.


4. Optimize Your Content

Now that you understand the importance of SEO, it is time to optimize all of your content, if it isn’t optimized already. Start with the metadata and work your way through your entire website. It doesn’t hurt to browse your social media pages to give them a quick update as well. Add selected keywords to the first paragraph of your content as well as the last paragraph. Toss in a couple of secondary and long-tail keywords for best performance.  To further enhance website traffic, optimize your image titles, descriptions, and the ALT. Avoid black hat SEO techniques as well as keyword stuffing, both of which will have negative effects on your SEO rankings and traffic. It is a good time to check the content on your site as well. Content is king, as you’ve heard a billion times over because it is true. When your site contains quality content, it will generate more shares and help create a better user experience that leaves consumers eager to do business with your company.

5. Become a Leader

It is important to build a brand that is easily recognized by name. It is far easier to build a name for your company when you participate in niche-specific discussion groups, blogging networks, social media sites, and newsrooms. As you participate in these forums, it gives others the chance to get to know you and your brand on a more personalized level. It is easy to build a worthwhile, respectable online presence as you participate in these various forms as you develop relationships with potential customers. Additionally, it’s easier to learn more about your potential customers and audience and what they want as you participate in these forums and groups. Plus, these forums provide ample space for you to share your own blog posts and links to generate increased interest in your products and services. Not all forums allow you to openly share, so choose wisely if this is of interest. Choose a few of your favourite groups and forums (tailored to your genre) and let the marketing fun and success begin!

6. Tell Your Friends

When you’ve built a loyal following of fans, they’ll certainly be of assistance when it is time to promote.  When a person loves your products and brand, they’ll recommend you to all of their friends and on social media. It is word-of-mouth at its best and certainly useful to any business of any size. But there are many tools that can help you take the word-of-mouth marketing tactic to the next level. ‘Tell A Friend’ and ‘Share’ buttons are easy to place on your website to make it even easier for your fans and followers to share your information with others.

7. Provide a Freebie

Give the customers what they want and they’ll come. To generate new website traffic, it is essential that you go above and beyond to cater to their needs and give them what they want. Many people stress far too much over this. The truth is that many simple ways to attract new customers exist, but giving them a freebie is one that they cannot refuse.  Provide new customers incentive to check out your website and you’ve got your foot in the door!  Free is a four-letter word that everyone loves, especially when it means they’ll get to take home something for nothing. Offer customers a freebie and they’ll certainly come your way. There are many ways to offer this freebie and an endless supply of products that qualify. It is up to you to decide the offer that you’ll provide. Keep your budget in mind when determining the type of freebie that you will offer. Giving customers a freebie does not require a ton of money. Perhaps a BOGO deal is suitable or maybe you’d like to offer a free eBook, cookbook, or other content-related items. Let your creativity flow and it is easy to choose a freebie that works for everyone.

8. Use an Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing programs work wonderfully without any effort needed on your part. As an Affiliate Marketing participant, you’ll pay other people to promote your content, but only when there is a purchase made. Affiliates create websites, blogs, etc. to advertise your business, products, and services, and you give them 10%+ when someone makes a purchase using their provided link. It is easy to register in an Affiliate program and recruit new individuals to join in on the fun. Affiliate Marketing is one of the hottest marketing techniques used today. Affiliate Marketing can improve your brand’s online presence and SEO in addition to minimizing the amount of work you’ll need to devote to promoting and marketing yourself. Many of the marketers who join go to extremes to create web-friendly websites to sell your product, instantly improving brand awareness and SEO. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a dime to start using one of the marketing programs! Everyone wins with Affiliate Marketing!

9. Think Customer, Not Search Engine

If your website doesn’t rank within the first page of a search engine, strive to earn a second-page listing and continue to thrive to increase that placement. Most people do not look past the second page when searching for a product or service and many don’t look past the first page. If your site isn’t listed on one of these pages, you’re missing out on a considerable amount of web traffic and potential profit. However, your content should reflect the customer, not the search engine. It is probably a good idea to review the content that is currently included on your website to ensure that it follows this guideline. If it does not, it is time for a quick revamp. Customer-tailored content makes Google happy. Customers want information; they need information. When your website is capable of providing that information to them, everyone wins. Your SEO is instantly improved when your content includes SEO techniques but focuses on the customer and what they want. So, when the day is done, you’ll endure less work and bigger benefits. Few people can complain when they work less and earn more.   To create content that is tailored to the customer (and potential customer) versus the search engine, take the time to get to know your customers and provide well-written, keyword-rich, informative posts that follow the rules of SEO without going overboard.

10. Offline Marketing Efforts

Take your marketing efforts offline and it is easy to maximize exposure, increase digital presence, and gain more fans in the process. There are many simple ways to market your website offline and generate organic web traffic. Put as many of the techniques to use as possible for best results. Utilizing offline marketing efforts with your online efforts is the key to success. Many offline marketing techniques can help you build your brand and deliver more traffic to your website. Utilize as many of the offline marketing techniques as possible. List your website on all of your company advertisements.  If there is a physical location, create a banner advertising your website (along with one of those awesome freebies we mentioned earlier to encourage more visitors.) Use email campaigns and promotions, word-of-mouth, and promotional items to advertise your website as well.


Maximize your website exposure by implementing each of the 10 tips above into your marketing plan. No matter what type of business you operate, the length of time it’s been around, or your future goals, driving traffic to your website is important. These techniques make getting those website visitors a far easier task. Use them to your advantage and sit back and relax as your brand quickly grows into a name that people know and love.

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